Eriksö is an island in the Stockholm archipelago, as natural and pure as the product of the same name.

Eriksö soap is an exclusive, organic and skin caring product, made from a few, well selected natural raw materials, for the least possible impact on human and nature, and for minimizing the use of chemicals. 

The product is developed by doctors and the soap is manufactured in Sweden. 

Eriksö is a protected brand.


Eriksö soap is an organic soap that is perfume free, especially gentle and nourishing for the skin. It contains only substances that are harmless to human and nature and are of course perfume free, because perfumes and preservatives can be allergenic.

Eriksö soap contains selected ingredients to minimize the risk of developing allergies.

It works great on sensitive skin or skin with eczema.

Eriksö soap is developed by physician.


Eriksö soap is wholly vegetabilic, and contains no ingredients from animalistic sources.

It's produced on coconut- and rapeseed oil and contains no synthetic ingredients or palm oil.

Both the coconut- and rapeseed oil are anti inflammatory oils, which are healthy for the skin.

Eriksö is a large soap weighing 140 grams that lasts long and is soft and comfortable for the skin.


The soap is good for those with asthma, allergies, eczemas or sensitive skin since it's fragrance free and only contains natural skincare ingredients such as rapeseed oil, coconut oil, and glycerine.

Usually it's perfumes and conserved substances that give rise to skin allergies, and no such substances exist in Eriksö soap.

Both the coconut and rapeseed oil are anti inflammatory oils that soothe irritated skin.

Eriksö soap is manufactured with minimal affection on humans and the environment, with high a safety and quality.


The production of palm oil leads to the destruction of rainforests and creates major global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, and the threat to wildlife and human rights.

Therefore, it is obvious for Eriksö to only use ingredients that do not harm either humans or the environment. 

Eriksö soap contains only natural vegetabilic fats, such as coconut- and rapeseed oil.


Eriksö soap is a big soap, that lasts long. To avoid cracking and for the soap to remain fresh one should make sure that the soap is lying on a  bedding with good dewatering abilities.

The soap should not lay in water during the time it's not used.

Acquire a beautiful soap holder where the water can run out, so that you may enjoy your fresh soap for even longer.

Take care of your soap so it lasts longer.


Eriksö soap can with advantage also be used for hair washing, shaving, baby care, makeup removal, cleaning, and you can hand wash clothes with it, if you for example are on a trip. You can also rub the soap on stains before you machine wash. It's also excellent for silk wash. And if you want to wash your dog, that works too.

Since Eriksö soap is a solid soap with no fluid liquid, it's easy to pass through the security if you're traveling with only hand luggage.

The soap packaging in carton is recyclable


Upon manufacture of real soap there are no corrosive chemicals left after the saponification. At that point it only contains pure soap and glycerine, which are cleansing and skin caring.

Upon production of cheaper soaps the glycerine often is recovered and sold separately, which means that the soap product becomes dehydrating. Some soaps don't even contain soap but only chemicals, foaming agents and mineral oils. These are sometimes used to manufacture liquid soap through addition of water and preservatives.

Eriksö soap is a genuine soap, where the glycerine is kept as a re-greasing ingredient.


That solid soaps should be unhygienic and contain more bacterias than liquid soap is a myth. It's actually the other way around. Liquid soap contains more stagnant water, where bacterias gladly thrive, and for the durability of liquid soap to increase, preservatives are added.

In comparisons, studies found that there was a higher bacteria amount in liquid soap than solid soap.

Eriksö soap is a solid soap that contains no stagnant water or preservatives.


Liquid products are a gigantic environmental problem with shipments of water around the world, as well as all the plastic the water-containing products are packaged in.

Disposable plastic packaging made from oil, is admittedly recyclable, but involves extra transport costs and the problem of downcycling, and a thousand years in the sea. Plastic waste leaks into the sea and lakes, breaks down into microparticles, which disrupt wildlife by absorbing toxic substances, which then bioaccumulate in the food chain.

Liquid soap with mainly water, weighs far more than a solid soap, resulting in higher carbon dioxide emissions and greater environmental impact for the liquid product.

Feel free to turn off the water while you soap yourself and enjoy the foam and your contribution to the environment.


In Sweden, approximately 12 million kilos of liquid soap are used annually.

By switching to an organic solid soap, such as Eriksö soap, you do Mother Earth a great service.

Dailyfinance has calculated that it costs about ten times more to use liquid soap instead of solid soap.


With Eriksö soap, you can make your own liquid soap.
One soap is enough for at least six liters of liquid soap. Feel free to use the soap residue to make liquid soap, instead of throwing away the stump. But don't make too much; products that contain stagnant water have a limited durability. Therefore, the recipe is for one liter.

Cut the soap into six equal pieces, or use soap residues of the same size. Grate into soap flakes and mix in boiled hot water, about a liter, in a clean vessel. Let stand for a couple of hours, and stir until all the soap has dissolved. If it's too thick, dilute with more water.

Pour the soap into a nice pump bottle. What is left over is stored in the refrigerator in, for example, a plastic bottle. Now you have an organic and gentle liquid soap, which is both better and cheaper than those available on the market.

Pour it in a spray bottle, and you have a gentle detergent, for washing dishes and cleaning.

Price example:
Lactacyd liquid soap, Apoteket Hjärtat, 2 x 500 ml, approx. SEK 104.
Eriksö soap, according to recipe, 1 x 1000 ml, approx. SEK 17.


Tear some soap and dissolve in hot water, or put the soap in hot water for a while, and you have an excellent hand detergent, wherever you are.

In the same way, you can do, if you want to use the soap for washing or cleaning, or make liquid soap according to the recipe above and pour into a spray bottle. It'll be a shiny clean result.

Eriksö soap can be used for many different purposes, this to minimize the use of chemicals in the household.

The photography is done in bright sunshine, which is why the soap in the picture looks brighter than in reality.

Morgane Lithander, the images of Eriksö soap.
Other pictures from Pixabay.